(Kingston, Jamaica) Female recording artist Sophia Brown continues to make significant strides in her dreams of one day taking home a Grammy award, this with her latest accomplishment being the upward movement of the smash hit “Lovers Rock” to #5 on both the New York and South Florida Top 30 Reggae Singles Charts.
Brown who has consistently been releasing hit after hit over the last couple of months currently has a total of 3 songs in Chart contention. On the local circuit her critically acclaimed “Let It Be Me” video is holding down the #2 position on the CVM Hitlist Reggae Video Charts and the #5 position on the HYPE TV VTX Top 10 Video Charts. Thousands of miles away over on the U.K based New Style Radio Charts “Let It Be Me” is #18 while “Lover Rock” is again gaining ground on Music Phill’s Reggae Charts coming in at #13. Online plays for Brown’s Music Mecka produced “Gimmie That Good Love” single as of last week totaled at 504 moving her to the #20 ranking on the Online Radio Break Out Charts which is based on rotation on MTV Radio, VH1 Radio, AOL, Yahoo, Live365, XMU, Napster and Sirius online streams amongst others.
In a brief statement Brown attributes her chart success to the years of ground work she has put in. “For me music is a journey and this has been my journey”. With only 3 months to go before the highly anticipated release of her sophomore album “Catch Me If You Can”, Sophia Brown is looking forward to the release of yet another single next month and now more than ever before is she excited about all the prospects awaiting her in the international market.